command line
command line
- príkazový riadok
command line
command line,příkazový řádek [it.]
command line
command line
n 1: commands that a user types in order to run an application
podobné slovodefinícia
command line interface
Command Line Interface
command line interface
Command Line Interface
command line interface
command line interface, n:
command line interface
command line interface
n 1: a user interface in which you type commands instead of
choosing them from a menu or selecting an icon [syn:
command line interface, CLI]
command line interface
command line interface

A means of communication between a
program and its user, based solely on textual input and
output. Commands are input with the help of a keyboard or
similar device and are interpreted and executed by the
program. Results are output as text or graphics to the

Command line interfaces usually provide greater flexibility
than graphical user interfaces, at the cost of being harder
for the novice to use. Consequently, some hackers look down
on GUIs as designed For The Rest Of Them.

command line option
command line option

(Or "option", "flag", "switch", "option switch") An
argument to a command that modifies its function rather than
providing data. Options generally start with "-" in Unix or
"/" in MS-DOS. This is usually followed by a single letter
or occasionally a digit. More recently, GNU software
adopted the --longoptionname style, usually in addition to
traditional, single-character, -x style equivalents.

Some commands require each option to be a separate argument,
introduced by a new "-" or "/", others allow multiple option
letters to be concatenated into a single argument with a
single "-" or "/", e.g. "ls -al". A few Unix commands
(e.g. ar, tar) allow the "-" to be omitted. Some options
may or must be followed by a value, e.g. "cc prog.c -o prog",
sometimes with and sometimes without an intervening space.

getopt and getopts are commands for parsing command line
options. There is also a C library routine called getopt
for the same purpose.


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